Monday, 4 July 2011

Monday, Monday (June 20th, 2011)

I started this Monday morning receiving Radiation Therapy at 9:00 sharp. It didn't go too badly, though I believe that was due to the attivan I dutifully ingested an hour prior. I daresay that I was able to meditate and nearly fell asleep! It was almost like being in a tanning bed. I was afraid of the experience, not knowing what the equipment looked like, or the staff, or the act of receiving radiation into my body... not as devastating as I thought... so far.

Immediately following, we went back upstairs to receive chemotherapy. We waited for about an hour and I was hooked up t an IV by 11:00 AM. I shared a room with a woman from Cadillac, and my father was in his glory, as he chatted with her about mutual acquaintances. He really is a delight in conversation, and it was nice to have the background chatter. My Mom was quite concerned the entire time and ensured I was as comfortable as possible. I hung out in the strange room for hours, receiving 5 or 6 litres of fluid into my body. I honestly don't even know what all of it was, pre-chemo concoctions to support my kidneys and liver functions, a lot of saline fluid, anti-nauseants, and then the infamous Cisplatin (chemo). I wondered if I would be able to tell an immediate difference, and I could not. It maybe burned a little bit, but that is being picky. At around 4:00, a nurse came in to give me some options. I could keep going on this way, with one IV and be done at 7:30, or they could start another one and we could be done in an hour and a half. I naturally opted to get out of there sooner, collect my daughter sooner and be home. The unfortunate part of this is that I have tiny veins, and have already cursed them when I have had to be poked by needles 7 times to try and get a line in. Today was no exception. I only received 3 poked before getting one in on my inner wrist. We were out of there at 5:30 and grateful to be done a full day. Bu had a great time at her boyfriend Luca's house. I am grateful for my dear friend Joanna, as I don't have to worry about Bu's happiness or comfort at a time like this. She fits in well there.

Day one down. 6 more weeks of treatment and at least 4 more weeks of healing before I will feel better. Here we go...

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